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35th Annual
Golf for Hope Scramble

Friday, August 1, 2025- 8:00 AM shotgun start

Lite Breakfast at 7:15am and Putting Contest at 8:15am

Ridgecrest Golf Club

3730 Ridecrest Dr. Nampa, ID 83687

Home: Welcome

Rotary Club of Nampa- 35th Annual
Golf for Hope Tournament

Friday, August 1, 2025- 9:00am shotgun start

Lite Breakfast at 7:15am and Putting Contest at 7:25am
Ridgecrest Golf Club
3730 Ridgecrest Dr. Nampa ID 83687

Please join us for Nampa Rotary's 35th Annual Golf For Hope event!

Golf for Hope is a fundraiser that benefits the Hope House.  

The event entails a 4-person scramble, breakfast and lunch with awards reception following play.

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First American Title 2
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Thank you to our Sponsors!!!

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Rotary Club of Nampa

The Rotary Club of Nampa is the longest standing service organization in our community. Founded in 1920, the object of Rotary has been to encourage and foster service in our society and community while exemplifying high ethical standards. Our motto “Service Above Self” drives us to do the most good for this great community in which we live and serve. Thirty-one years ago the Rotary Club of Nampa established the first Golf for Hope tournament as a fundraiser for the Hope House. Today,  it continues to be the largest fundraiser for our club. The event’s success over the years is due to our sponsors and participants who recognize the importance of giving back to our great city.  To learn more about our club, visit our club website

Home: Program

Hope House

Hope House exists to provide a home for children between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18) (and then those youth who turn eighteen prior to or during their senior year in High School) who are emotionally impaired, developmentally disabled, and/or come from disrupted adoptions or dysfunctional families.

Hope House serves children from all areas of the United States, although the vast majority, come from the western United States. Children from other countries may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Hope House provides a home for those young people who may have “fallen through the cracks” of other governmental and/or private agencies.


Last Year

The community’s support in 2024 was another strong and successful year backed by the generous members of Nampa and Rotary.  Because of the Golf for Hope success, we were able to gift the Hope House with a check for $10,000 this past year.  Along with the Hope House, this success has allowed our club to support many other organizations in Nampa. This is a great opportunity to give back to your community and truly see who you’re benefiting in the process.  

Nampa Rotary would love to make you a part of this great event.  Please help us make 2025 another successful year.  


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